Thursday, September 3, 2020

Modernism in Art Essay Example For Students

Innovation in Art Essay Innovation is a comprehensive name applied to the numerous types of resistance to the acknowledged and the tra-ditional. An innovator likes to be thought a rebelâ€sometimes he is and will starve for his standards, some of the time he isn't, however just a self-promoter. Innovation has had the great impact of stirring the displeasure of the smug examples of what is.† When pioneer craftsmanship is appeared, elderly person know-everything reviles these â€Å"fakirs†, â€Å"freaks aud â€Å"queerists,† with their insane quilt† workmanship. He calls this tin* faction of â€Å"crudity and ugliness† and their can-containers shading puddles† of â€Å"delirious dyers.† The dissidents strike back, provoking academists with stand-patism, and stating that workmanship pundits are futile and harmful.† Imagination will not be chained,† they state. A disciple outdated entered a notable Fifth road gaUery where were innovator works. This is n't art.† he yelled to the proprietor of the exhibition, and I know something about art.† The quiet answer was your instruction is done, mine has simply lK*gun.† Lamentably innovation has been utilized to publicize a specific clique who have their press specialists and craftsmanship talkers. It is genuine likewise that the new types of articulation have offered chance to fakirs and commonsense jokers. I have heard that eight Van Goghs were fabricated by a painter in larls and later on appeared in New York, that a New York workmanship understudy, fretful with his elav model, whacked it flabby and ex-hibited it at a much discussed appear. No big surprise that the general population is confused by this. It will be some time before the general population so acknowledges the soul of the genuine modem fill in as to Ik? ready to distinguish the bogus and the shallow. People in general has not been acquainted with think, yet now it will be compelled to do as such in self-protcction. The English innovators in 1914 recruited an enormous skating arena, isolated it into segments by screens and iuvited everyone to show who might pay for space and hang his own photos. There was no jury, no institute or workmanship author to set the norm, thus the guest was truly obliged to think, for once. There should he a couple of such shows in our American urban areas to animate the general population to make a genuine investigation of workmanship, rather than depending upon doctrinaires and scholastics. There would be a superior comprehension of modernists’ work had they gone ahead in plain English a portion of their points and purposes. So far they have neglected to do it, yet it appears to be reasonable for expect thuâ » of men who paint pictures or cut figures and welcome the general population to see them. Obviously it isn't important to clarify the subject or the strategy, however just to give a general proclamation of what they are referring to. For instance, on the off chance that they are looking for the obscure harmonies, as I accept the genuine ones may be, the reason not say as much? At that point we should move toward the works without bias and attempt to value their soul. Receptive individuals, kwking for edification are baffled and repulsed by such expressions as these: From a correspondence of concessions emerge those blended pictures which we hurry to go up against with imaginative manifestations so as to figure what they contain of tlie objective; that is, o f the simply conventional.† â€Å"Inborn complimentarum is an outright need in painting.† Universal dynamism must be rendered in painting as a dynamic sensation.† At the point when Douglass Jerrold first heard one of Brownings sonnets lie shouted. â€Å"0 God. I am an idiot!† Doubtless llie thinkers comprehend these dark expositions found in books on cubism and in manifestoes and indexes, yet the customary man truly burning of acknowledging craftsmanship, is puzzled and disheartened. Here is an open door for some innovator craftsman who can compose plain, compact ordinary English (or some other language so far as that is concerned). I will not endeavor to name or examine all periods of current craftsmanship, nor even claim to clarify them. I admit to compassion for all who dismiss conventional academism in craftsmanship. I frequently lament the years spent in the Academie Julian where we were instructed by educators whom wc respected, to make maps of human figures. I lament still moreI will not endeavor to name or examine all periods of present day workmanship, nor even profess to clarify them. I admit to compassion for all who dismiss customary academism in craftsmanship. I frequently lament the years spent in the Academie Julian where we were educated by educators whom wc venerated, to make maps of human figures. I lament still morethe ingenuity of this academism in America and genuinely trust that this affiliation won't license it to have full influence over proposed new school courses. Japanese workmanship has done much toward breaking the hold of this oppression, the approaching Chinese craftsmanship will a ccomplish more, however it. may stay for pioneer workmanship to liberate us. We intend to put craftsmanship on a superior balance in our colleges. We will commit a deadly error on the off chance that we brush aside the more up to date types of craftsmanship and backer the customary so as to satisfy the traditionalist component. Traditionalist individuals like to peruse such workmanship analysis as this in the day by day press: â€Å"In craftsmanship ‘meaning’ and ‘life’ don't exist until theartist has aced those specialized procedures by which he might possibly have the virtuoso to call them into being. This isn't a conclusion. It is an announcement of reality. A long time from now such analysis won't go on without serious consequences. I will venture to state that I was quite a while in the past persuaded of the mistake of that convention and have battled it throughout the previous twenty years. To cite again from a New York paper: â€Å"Non-visual encounters are unimaginable of repre-sentation.† Are they? Peruse Bercnson on Sassetta the Sienese painter of the Franciscan legend† and give some genuine examination to Buddhist artwork iu China! There must be another craftsmanship analysis to gowith the new training. School people ought not be exposed to such academism* as these: â€Å"Art is a luxury† (Congress accepts that); craftsmanship is an additional quality† (how this would amaze Giotto!); â€Å"art uncovers the entire history of an epoch† (what might Pere Corot state to that!) â€Å"the authenticity of Masaccio and Donatello broughtlife to Italian art† (tra# it their authenticity that did that?) ; â€Å"Greek form achieved its greatness through investigation of the assemblages of competitors (is Greek figure a mass of segregated representations of groups of competitors, or is it heavenly structure with human bodies as intentions?) â€Å"the come back to nature made the Barbizon school what it was.† † Gothicsculpture arrived at its stature through investigation of nature.† These thoughts bend left over from the academism of the eighteenth century in Europe. They are bygone era translations which won't stand up before innovation. Such analysis overlooks the entire history of Oriental workmanship and crafted by free specialists for the lastforty years. Workmanship versus Government EssayAs we live in an exceptionally industrialized and purchaser focused free enterprise world, structure is simply as basic as drinking water, an extraordinary plan will be perceived as a development, rather, an ineffectively planned item or creation won't be annoyed or unwanted to customers. Structure history is the essential of plan and it ought not be disregarded as it identifies with our humankind’s prosperity. Ordinarily, plan is connected to developments, the eventual fate of configuration is dynamic and it is changing quicker than whenever throughout the entire existence of structure. Configuration will consistently be the fundamental of each creation.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Joy Luck Club Essays (883 words) - The Bluest Eye, Point Of View

The Joy Luck Club THE BLUEST EYE The Bluest Eye is a mind boggling book. Substance shrewd it is an upsetting yet generally simple read, yet Toni Morrison plays with the account structure in a manner so intricacy is added to the concealed profundity of the content. From the earliest starting point to the furthest limit of the book, the writer takes the peruser through a progression of purpose of perspectives that alternate in portraying the story. In any case, before the finish of the book, the writer leaves the peruser hazy on who the genuine primary character of the book is. Pecola Breedlove, albeit never the storyteller, is by all accounts the consistent casualty and similarly the primary character of the story. Numerous perusers can consider the to be as an anecdote about Claudia MacTeer, who is the primary storyteller of the book, yet most all that she describes has an immediate bind to Pecola's life. From the very beginning, Claudia depicts the home condition wherein she lives in. That home condition is connected to how Pecola comes to live with them and what influence the two had on one another. Pecola's quality somewhat portends her future aching for blue eyes by indicating the incredible intrigue she had in Shirley Temple, who was known for being a pretty white young lady. Claudia then goes into a progression of stories and portrayals of what sort of condition Pecola should live in at her own home. She depicts the relinquished store wherein the Breedlove family lives in and the horrible state of the furnishings, which mirrors the sort of family the Breedloves are. Regardless of whether it was Claudia or another obscure third individual storyteller, a particular circumstance is depicted in a severe way of precisely what kind of condition exists in Pecola's home. The circumstance was the place Cholly and Polly battle each other with little dithering or thought, and the concise portrayal closes with how Pecola is influenced by such activities. Claudia's encounters are significantly increasingly attached to Pecola's life through the occasions that happened with Maureen Peal. Claudia starts depicting Maureen as her own adversary however soon enough Maureen is brought into Pecola's life alongside the perspective she had upon the terrible youngster. Maureen was entranced by Pecola, which speaks to one of the numerous characters who looked downward on her. Alongside the portrayal of Claudia and the third individual, Cholly and Polly have a noteworthy portrayal in the story. The springtime is utilized to speak to the introduction of new love and fittingly the starting points of Cholly and Polly is the fundamental story. The section depicts how the two were infatuated and portrays top to bottom the development of both. As opposed to being viewed as an account of another character, the sources of Cholly and Polly can be viewed as the clarification of Pecola and her condition, which uplifts the possibility of Pecola being the principle character. Beginning from birth, Cholly was surrendered, he at that point relinquished his own life looking for his dad. The mercilessness of his dad bigly affected the eventual fate of Cholly and the existence he drove as a grown-up. Cholly never had a dad figure in his life thus he never figured out how to turn into a dad, which turned into an advocate of Pecola's mental defeat. Polly as a youngster consistently assumed the job of a housewife. She had incredible goals of one day meeting her sovereign and carrying on with a magnificent life. She thought she discovered him in Cholly when he tagged along and thought about her faltering foot, however as she and Cholly had more issues, she started to take out her annoyance for Cholly onto her kids. Rapidly, the Breedlove family unit turned out to be loaded with detest and that despise was tossed onto the guiltless Pecola. All through the whole book however, various characters laid their loathe and weakness upon the blamelessness of Pecola. More than basically explicit characters, before the finish of the book, Pecola turned into the substitute of the whole town, ?She be fortunate in the event that it don't live. Bound to be the ugliest thing strolling. Can't resist the urge to be. Should be a law: two monstrous individuals bending over like that to make all the more revolting. Be in an ideal situation in the ground.?

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How Muhammad Established Islam As A Major Political And Religious Force In The World Essay

While Muhammad was living with his better half Khadija, he regularly went to a cavern outside Makkah called Hira, where he would reflect and ask. During one night in 610CE, when Muhammad was 40, he was in a cavern on Mount Hira. God uncovered himself to Muhammad. This was known as the evening of intensity, and it relates in Surah 95 of the Qur’an, which is entitled The Blood Clot. At the point when Muhammad got back, Khadija turned into his first adherent. At that point his cousin Ali, a liberated slave called Zayd, and perhaps the dearest companion, Abu Bakr, all became supporters. There began one of the incredible religions of the world. Muhammad had a solid conviction that there was just a single God, the maker. He accepted that all people ought to be equivalent in their relationship with this maker. This sabotaged the clans of Makkah who, particularly the Quarish, ascended against Muhammad and his adherents. Every single through greetings life, Muhammad battled to build up Islam, to assemble supporters, and to make a significant political power. In the 22 years after the primary disclosure, until Muhammad kicked the bucket in 632CE, God conveyed the Qu’ran to Muhammad, his courier. When that God had wrapped up the Qu’ran, Muhammad had moved to Madinah. Subsequently we get Makkan and Medinan refrains. The Makkan stanzas are typically shorter, more judgemental, and are found towards the finish of the Qu’ran. After the subsequent disclosure, the night venture, Muhammad relocated to Yathrib, 40 miles north of Makkah, to settle questions with the pioneers from that town. He went there with family and devotees in 622CE. At the point when he showed up, he manufactured a house, which was later to turn into the main mosque. He at that point renamed the town Madinah. This is the place the focal network was set up. After Muhammad passed on, nobody knew whether he had named a replacement. Normally, it would go to his oldest child. At long last the pioneer was picked by the Muslim people group as an individual of extraordinary individual respectability. This is the conviction of the Sunni part of Islam, who didn't need a legislature, yet they needed to depend on a definitive ruler. The Shi’a branch accepts that the early history was one-sided against Ali, Muhammad’s cousin. At the point when Ali became the pioneer, the individuals who trusted Ali to be the genuine replacement shaped the different ‘Party of Ali’. The Shi’a branch needed a pioneer from the group of Muhammad. Islam was significantly expanded by the accomplishments of the initial four caliph replacements to Muhammad. Here is the kind of people they are and what they accomplished in their standard: * Abu Bakr (632-634 CE) He and his armed forces vanquished Arab clans, and they went similarly as the Byzantine Empire’s outskirts. Abu Bakr had in excess of an individual conviction of Islam and he had a conviction of political philosophy. * Umar (634-644 CE) He proceeded after Abu Bakr and caught Jerusalem and North Africa. * Uthman (644-656 CE) After Ali turned down the caliphate, Uthman was picked and he extended the realm through North Africa and Eastwards to India and China. * Ali (656-661 CE) He made Mu’awiya co-caliph, a grievous move. Two gatherings were framed, one supporting Ali, the other supporting Mu’awiya. Islam today is the second biggest religion on the planet and it is developing quick. It is huge in the cutting edge governmental issues. It likewise adds to workmanship, music, engineering and reasoning. The religion has developed to have more than 2 billion devotees. Anyway as of late Islamophobia has stepped in. Islam has been dealt with barbarously by the western media over the most recent couple of years. Anyway Islam intends to give up, or submit, and it is connected near another Arabic word meaning harmony. To be sure a Muslim is ‘one who surrenders’.

History of Management Theory Free Essays

Running Head: HISTORY OF MANAGEMENT THEORY History of Management Theory Troy Thompson 5409 Foxglove Drive, Bossier City, LA 71112 318-918-7413 Troythompson98@yahoo. com MSM 500 May 21, 2010 Class Instructor: Dr. David Bouvin Ellis University Introduction People and procedures are the fundamental components under administration domain, and it is intriguing to figure out how administrative way of thinking relating to these two components has developed from the Industrial Revolution all through the Progression Era and into the cutting edge working environment. We will compose a custom article test on History of Management Theory or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now The reason for this paper will concentrate on Frederick Taylor’s Scientific Management, otherwise called the Taylor System, and Elton Mayo’s Human Relations plans of action and how they identify with this administrative development. Both Taylor and Mayo were notable driving forces who lit the light of creative administration for America to advance out from long periods of uncontrolled procedure variety and exploitative human treatment towards a fresh start of value the board and human regard in the working environment. The essential sources inspected are Chapter 1 of Frederick Taylor’s The Principles of Scientific Management, and The Encylopedia of the History of American Management, Elton Mayo. The two sources will manage this paper toward current pertinence. The Taylor System Before the Taylor System, manufacturing plants during the Industrial Revolution focused on fulfilling the need agribusiness trade from both home and abroad (Montagna, 1981). The spotlight was not really on quality or the treatment of human work (Montagna, 1981). Rather, the earth reflected substantial and-go types of procedure stream joined with inadequately administered work. With his designing psyche and enthusiasm for productivity, Taylor reacted to these insufficiencies and started his endeavors of applying science and building standards to wipe out pointless exertion in tasks. The Taylor System brought forth the accompanying administration rehearses: Incentive-Driven work exhibitions, Time-Motion Studies, Centralized Management, Task Specialization, and Quality Control (Taylor, 1911). Every one of these selections offered ascend to another administration way of thinking based on an increasingly profitable work place, which Taylor viewed as â€Å"maximum prosperity† (Taylor, 1911). Taylor immovably trusted in creating â€Å"captains of industry† instead of looking out for common conceived pioneers to tag along (Taylor, 1911). He additionally perceived a requirement for greater association from the managers in the work environment to help dispose of what he alluded to as soldiering, or, laxed representative yield. He stated, â€Å"The 30 percent to 100 percent expansion in compensation which the laborers can win past what they get under the old sort of the board, combined with the every day cozy side by side contact with the administration, altogether evacuates all reason for soldiering† (Taylor, 1911). As the turn of the twentieth century approached, the dynamic scene asked for progressively productive strategic policies (The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers, line 16). This was the ideal time for the standards by which operational limit could be estimated, dissected, smoothed out, and controlled to grab hold. This framework at that point turned into a foundation on plague of the Great Depression and followed by future administration scholars from that point on after. One analysis of Scientific Management is that it requested top-execution in each laborer and close to consummate throughput on the creation line, forming into a semi dictator style type of organization. Laborers were reluctant to out-produce each other based on peer pressure (Taylor, 1911). Taylor’s framework depended on sincere goal, yet just needed comprehension of the human side to the work environment. This left space for crafted by Elton Mayo to yield realization. Elton Mayo (Human Relations) Elton Mayo got well known through the Western Electric Company inquire about venture. The underlying motivation behind the task was to discover approaches to improve specialist profitability. He and his group saw how lighting, rest breaks, room temperature, and so forth ffected laborer profitability (Mayo, 2006). Through his examination, he found a particular disclosure knows as the â€Å"Hawthorne Effect†, which depicted an expansion in yield by laborers who saw that they are being watched and concentrated by one way or another (Mayo, 2006). Mayo saw the Hawthorne Effect as an indication of a greater issue. He at that point occupied from his unique theory of physical element s to the assessment the socio-political variables. What he discovered was that workers esteemed acknowledgment by their friends more than everything else (Mayo, 2006). Additionally exceptional about Mayo’s perceptions was the worldview blasted that workers were not propelled principally because of pay, however were spurred basically because of occupation fulfillment; this, obviously, was a distinct contrast in Taylor’s hypothesis that men were inspired best when they were given wages that were comparable with their aptitude level. On the side of Mayoism, as his standards later got known for, I hail his standards of human relations that caught the quintessence of the Progressive Era in that they propelled representative regard in the work environment. Because of his impact, business pioneers started to pose the inquiry, what should be possible to make our representatives more joyful? New strategies were received, for example, post employment surveys, participative critical thinking, and generally novel of all †human relations (Mayo, 2006). End The quintessence of Taylor and Mayo’s inheritances are of human creativity applied to upgrade work settings, regarding the two individuals and procedures. The best type of the two components can be seen in today’s business methodology of persistent procedure improvement, which is a collective endeavor to advance key procedures in an association. From Six Sigma, to Gantt Charts, to Brainstorming, to Exit Interviews, it is difficult to envision a work setting without the creation methods these two administration masters enlivened. For instance, the Air Force has grasped a culture of advancement called Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century (AFSO21). Through AFSO21, Airmen are urged to take a gander at the manner in which they work together and consider approaches to make their territories progressively proficient, increasingly sheltered, vitality sparing, and compelling. Numerous Fortune 500 organizations have likewise joined consistent procedure improvement into their business mantra because of business the board training guided by the knowledge of Taylor and Mayo. References American Society of Quality. http://www. asq. organization/find out about-quality/history-of-value/diagram/mechanical upheaval. html Mayo, G. (2006). In Encyclopedia of the History of American Management. http://www. credoreference. com. libraryproxy. cardean. edu/section/contham/mayo_george_elton Montagna, J. (1981). The Industrial Revolution. http://www. yale. edu/ynhti/educational program/units/1981/2/81. 02. 06. x. html#c Taylor, F. (1911). The Principles of Scientific Management. New York: Harper Bros. , 1911: 5-29. http://www. fordham. edu/halsall/mod/1911taylor. html The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers. â€Å"The Progressive Era. † Teaching Eleanor Roosevelt, ed. by Allida Black, June Hopkins, et. al. (Hyde Park, New York: Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site, 2003). http://www. nps. gov/file/elro/glossary/dynamic period. htm The most effective method to refer to History of Management Theory, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

Antigony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Antigony - Essay Example His Creon is actually a sensational character. The plot of the play is straightforward. Occasions occur in Thebes, before the illustrious royal residence. To start with, we get familiar with the grievous destiny of Oedipus’ kids. His two children have butchered each other battling for the crown. Creon, the leader of the state, gives the law requesting to cover â€Å"Eteocles, who died in the battle to spare our city, the best and most intrepid of our spearmen† â€Å"with each one of those refining ceremonies which go with the noblest carcasses, as they move below†, while â€Å"Polyneices, who came back from banish, anxious to clear out taking all things together expending fireâ his tribal city and its local divine beings, quick to take advantage of his family’s bloodâ and lead men into slavery† is â€Å"to have no internment hill, no memorial service customs, and no lament†. He is to be left unburied with â€Å"his body left for feathered creatures and canines to eat† [190-200]. Be that as it may, this announcement repudiates all the conventions endorsed by divine beings and disapproved by individuals for a long time. Antigone, Oedipus’ little girl and Polynecies sister, will cover the sibling. Sophocles’ Antigone is controlled by the laws set by divine beings. As she discloses her firm choice to Creon:  â â â â â â â â sent no such laws for men. I didn't thinkâ â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â where they originally showed up. So I didn't meanâ â  â â â â â â â â â anything which you broadcasted sufficient  â â â â â â â â to let a dread of any human will Creon is shocked that somebody has set out to ignore him. The vast majority of all, he is aggravated by the way that this individual is a lady. He feels offended and, blinded with his pride and fury, can't hear any counsel given to him by his condition. Heâ sentences Antigone to being covered alive in a natural hollow, despite the way that she is his son’s (Haemon) lady. Haemon’s endeavors to acquire his dad to reason result considerably more grounded wrath of Creon. The end is deplorable. Creon

How video games affect teenagers nowadays Essay

How computer games influence young people these days - Essay Example (2008) did a test concerning implies changes in pulse and breath rate in the trial conditions while playing high savagery and low viciousness computer games, and furthermore the methods for the normal normalized electrodermal response into the two sorts of improvements for the high-and low-brutality gatherings. The outcomes demonstrate that the more elevated level of savagery players showed more noteworthy hostility than the low level viciousness computer game players. Then again, computer games have likewise been found to have beneficial outcomes. For instance, the investigation of Reinecke (2009), it was demonstrated that video and PC games are connecting with media and are equipped for easing players’ stress. A model has been concluded from observational information to help this attestation, delineating the relationship among recuperation experience, business related weariness, day by day bothers, feeling centered adapting, issue centered adapting, and messing around for recuperation from anxiety, with social help going about as arbitrator. Given these underlying writing, the analyst was constrained to examine what has so far been found about the impact of computer games on teenagers’ discernment, influence, and practices. The investigation will be useful for an intensive comprehension of the two points of interest and repercussions of playing computer games, particularly among young people. The two targets will be accomplished through a basic audit of related writing and meetings with young people who eagerly play computer games. Along these lines, both essential and auxiliary information assortment will be attempted for the motivations behind this investigation. The audit of related writing has been directed by social event materials from online diaries, papers, and sites. On the positive impacts of computer games, Reinecke (2009) brought up that â€Å"Accordingly, as video and PC games are a retaining media condition, they are probably going to encourage sentiments of unwinding and to help recuperation from stress and strain.† Moreover, he had drafted out a model

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Whistleblowing and Sarbanes-Oxley Due Key Characteristics - 825 Words

Whistleblowing and Sarbanes-Oxley Due: Key Characteristics (Research Paper Sample) Content: .Assignment titleStudentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s nameCourse titleDateWhistleblowing and Sarbanes-Oxley DueThe criminal law refers to a branch of law that prosecutes a person/s by the government of a given state for committing an act that is considered unlawful. Most governments in the world have openly shown high levels of response towards enough efficiency in the delivery of public services by the organizations run under the bureaucratic codes.The primary purpose of this research paper is to discuss more on the underlying causes of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, importance of implementing it and also define the types of protection that the Act provides the whistleblower. The second aim is to discuss the professional characteristics of a whistleblower and conduct research in a public company that has been a victim of whistleblowing in the last twelve months, the implications of the whistleblowing act to both the company and the whistleblower.Whistleblowers refer to a person who provides any form of information or an act committed by a government corporation that is considered illegal. They are classified in two being the internal whistleblowers that advocate beliefs within the organization and external ones that defend beliefs outside the organization.Professional characteristics of a of these features is that they were known to be well educated and held professional positions in their field of work hence their act of whistleblowing is considered professional and hence given a chance to be investigated. Another important trait of a whistleblower is that they allow their attitudes dictate every action they take hence not easily influenced, and once they decide on taking a step to expose an individual situation, ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s almost impossible for other people to be able to change their minds.Whistleblowers are also are not interested in changing their behavior if need be hence able to behave according to the situation. If the actions they need to take a particular case call for the change of their attitude, whistleblowers prefer to stick to the view that suits well with the act they intend to embark. Also according to a book was written by C. Fred Alford C. Fred Alford, Ithaca, et al. London: Cornell Univ. Press, 2001, Broken Lives and Organizational Power, whistleblowers are willingly sacrificing outspoken individuals who are ready to give their all to see justice done and sacrifice their lives for justiceAccording to the research I have conducted, a lot of public companies have been the victim of whistleblowing and end up having cases to answer for illegal actions in court. On February 2016, Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Justice announced that legal actions be taken against Massachusetts based technology company ptc Inc. and its Chinese subsidiaries. According to James L.Brochin, David w. Brown, David Pacino et al. Mitchel E.Gertzman Massachusetts-based technology company PTC Inc. and its Chine se subsidiaries faced accusations of violations of the anti-bribery provisions and internal accounting controls and books and records. Later on, the security and exchange commission announced a preferred prosecution agreement during an investigation.According to the study conducted by safety and exchange commission, and department of justice separately, the company was found guilty of providing improper travels, gifts and entertainment amounting to 1.5 million dollars to Chinese officials in order to retain their business relations with them and as a result of this illegal business activity, the company gained profits of approximately 2 billion dollars and its officials gained improper payments.After being found guilty of the act, the company ended up paying a penalty of about 15 million dollars as the result of the violation of the expected ethics of operation which ...

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Writing a Sample of History Essay

Writing a Sample of History EssayUsing samples of history essays to write your own is a great way to go if you have the time and patience. When you go through a sample of history essay, you will be provided with information on how to write a history essay in a number of different ways. You will learn about the main rules of writing your own essays. You will also discover how to create the best outline for your story.In the first paragraph of your essay, write an introduction. This introduction should give the reader a chance to feel comfortable about you and your essay. It should also show them why they should read your essay. Your introduction should be factual and informative.In the introduction, you should include some short but meaningful information. You can do this in the first paragraph. If you want to, you can give details about your own personal background. Or, you can talk about what you hope to learn from the essay. You can also include some facts about the time period in which you are writing. For example, if you are writing a history essay about the Civil War, you may want to mention that you are writing an essay about history.Your introduction will include the information that you already know. However, it will be more interesting if you will talk about new information and what you have learned. This gives your readers a chance to relate your information to something that they know or have heard of.In the paragraph that follows the introduction, you should give a brief summary of your essay. Give your readers the information that they need and clarify anything that they may have questions about. Use the examples in your essay to show them what to expect from your work.After you finish your paragraph, you should continue to give details about yourself and your history. You should talk about your skills, abilities, and interests. You may talk about past jobs and achievements.When you finish writing your essay, you should keep in mind that you are wr iting a history essay. It should give your readers information that is historical. Make sure that your essay is factual and well-written. You will find that writing a history essay can be very enjoyable and exciting.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Understanding Aber and Sondern in German

​Conjunctions are words that link two sentences. In German, they belong to the group of non-declinable words, which means that they never change, no matter what case you think you should use or what gender a following noun has. However, while in English you might only have one option, in German you will often find several possibilities to choose from.  Such is the case with aber and sondern, which your dictionary will most certainly translate both as but. Using but in German Take a look at the following sentences: The child didnt want to go home, but to the park. Das Kind will nicht nach Hause gehen, sondern zum Park. I dont understand what you say, but you will certainly be right. Ich verstehe nicht, was Sie sagen, aber Sie werden schon Recht haben. She is exhausted but doesnt want to go to sleep. Sie ist erschà ¶pft aber will nicht schlafen gehen. As you can see, both aber and sondern mean but in English. How do you know which but conjunction to use? It is actually quite simple: Aber, which means but or however,  is used after either a positive or negative clause. On the other hand, sondern is only used after a negative clause when expressing a contradiction. In other words, the first clause of the sentence must contain either nicht or kein, and the second part of the sentence must contradict the first part of the sentence. Sondern can be best translated as  but rather. Carusos Little Brother Helps You to Create Better Sentences One last thing: aber and sondern are so called ADUSO-words. ADUSO is an acronym for: Aaber (but)Ddenn (because)Uund (and)Ssondern (contradicting but)Ooder (or) Those conjunctions all take position zero in a sentence. To remember that, you might want to think of ADUSO as the little brother of Enrico Caruso, the great opera singer. But he never grew out of his famous brothers shadow and remained quite a loser. Imagine the o in loser as a zero to remember position zero. A Little Quiz Lets test your knowledge. Which German version of but would you use in the following sentences? Ich komme nicht aus England _____ aus Schottland. I dont come from England but from Scotland. Ich bin hungrig, _____  ich habe keine Zeit etwas zu essen. I am hungry, but I dont have time to eat something. Sie spricht drei Sprachen: Englisch, Russisch, und Arabisch, _____ leider kein Deutsch. She speaks three languages: English, Russian, and Arabic, but unfortunately no German. Wir hà ¤tten gerne drei cheeseburger _____ ohne Zwiebeln. We would like (to have) three cheeseburgers but without onions. Er hat keinen Kartoffelsalat mitgebracht, _____  Nudelsalat. He didnt bring potato salad, but noodle salad. Er hat gesagt, er bringt Kartoffelsalat mit, _____ er hat Nudelsalat mitgebracht. He said, hed bring potato salad, but he brought noodle salad. Answers to the Quiz Ich komme nicht aus England,  sondern  aus Schottland.Ich bin hungrig,  aber  ich habe keine Zeit etwas zu essen.Sie spricht drei Sprachen: Englisch, Russisch und Arabisch  aber  leider kein Deutsch.Wir hà ¤tten gerne drei Cheeseburger,  aber  ohne Zwiebeln.Er hat keinen Kartoffelsalat mitgebracht, sondern  Nudelsalat.Er hat gesagt, er bringt Kartoffelsalat mit,  aber  er hat Nudelsalat mitgebracht.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Fossil Fuels And The Global Warming - 1954 Words

When a person walk into a room, flip a switch and the light is turned on, this is due to fossil fuels. When a person up your computer or laptop to surf the web or do homework, this is also due to fossil fuels. Fossil fuels control the world as we know it today from powering our electronic devices, running our cars, improving our health and taking us into the depths of space. Without fossil fuels, society would inversely live like the people before the industrial era. However, as revealed just a few decades ago, fossil fuels are not without unintentional negative consequences. Even though fossil fuels have transformed the world as we know it, fossil fuels are scarce and causes ecological destruction through pollution, fracking and global warming. Before explaining the hazards of fossil fuels, we must investigate what fossil fuels are and what fossil fuels yield. Fossil fuels are â€Å"non-renewable resources that formed when prehistoric plants and animals died and were gradually buried by layers of rock† (Department Of Energy). These fuels are mined from the earth using methods like oil derricks and coal mines. When these fuels are burned off in plants, they produce power which is converted into energy and is sent on via power lines to millions of people. In cars and airplanes, oil is combusted in the cylinders which propels the crankshafts and runs the vehicle. As a consequence of these fuels being burned, the residues are dispersed into the air and more fuel is required toShow MoreRelatedFossil Fuels And Global Warming1552 Words   |  7 Pagesnow is facing a major disaster if our habits don’t change. Fossil fuels dominate our energy demand and at our current rate this will remain true for quite some time. T he World Energy outlook claims that by 2030 84% of our energy demands will be fulfilled by fossil fuels (Shafiee et al, 181). It is believed that we possess the reserves to meet our demands until 2030 (Shafiee et al, 181) but the cost will increase as time goes on. Fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource, meaning that once we run outRead MoreA World Without Fossil Fuels, Greenhouse Emissions And Global Warming1652 Words   |  7 PagesImagine a world without fossil fuels, greenhouse emissions and global warming. Cosmic radiant energy? What? No natural gas, oil, coal, or any other fuel used to power industrial machines? Free energy? Oh! That will never happen and the â€Å"Captains of Industry† will make sure of it! An innovator of a modern era was reawakening theories of ancient man. While many people did not support Nikola Tesla, his â€Å"Green Energy† invention was brilliant; it was a way to save the planet and free mankind from theRead MoreIntergovernmental Pane l on Climate Change1404 Words   |  6 Pagesuse of fossil fuels worldwide to have a slim chance of stopping Global Warming. If the people have anything less than the percentage given, Global Warming will not stop. As of now Global Warming is a big issue throughout the world. Some say Global Warming is just a myth to scare people and it’s just a natural cause, but there is proof that Global Warming is a fact and that the main cause of Global Warming is anthropogenic causes or man-made. Man has overused the burning of fossil fuels throughoutRead MoreHuman Activity Is Responsible For Our Current Warming Trend1598 Words   |  7 PagesHumans Are To Blame The biggest problem with climate change today is the debate on whether or not human activity is responsible for our current warming trend. According to Jonathon Schuldt (2014:219), around 99.7% of climatologists agree that man-made climate change is a reality, while only 40% of Americans believe that humans are the main driver. This is because we live in societies in which, thanks largely to the internet, everyone is free to express an opinion. On the issue of climate changeRead MoreEssay on Environmental Impact of Fossil Fuels518 Words   |  3 PagesEnvironmental Impact of Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels cause pollution, smog, and the greenhouse effect. Fossil fuels really do negatively impact our environment, especially when it comes to global warming, Although there is controversy over whether or not fossil fuels are causing the planet to warm, or whether it is warming naturally, there is significant research that supports the former hypothesis. When fossil fuels are burned, they emit different levels of carbonRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects976 Words   |  4 PagesAs global warming, we understand that is the rise in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. It has been an immense concerning all over the world for the past decades since the current cycle of global warming is changing the rhythms of climate that humans, animals and plants rely on. Scientists have studied the natural cycles and events that are known to influence the change in climate to discover what is originating the current global warming. However, the amount and pattern ofRead MoreEssay about Energy and the Environment: Fossil Fuels511 Words   |  3 PagesEnergy and the Environment: Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels are one of the most important things on this planet to the human race. Without fossil fuels we wouldnt have todays current means of transportation, we would have less heating for the general population, energy uses would be more expensive, and overall the economy and the world would not be able to sustain themselves. Even still, the fact that fossil fuels are on this planet will never change, but how we use them and what impacts their useRead MoreThe Warming Of The 21st Century Industrial Revolution858 Words   |  4 Pagesatmosphere is warming more rapidly in the past 100 years than ever before. According to physicist Jennifer Burney (2013:54), the current warming trend being seen today has everything to do with the social and economic advances from the 19th century Industrial Revolution. During this time, fossil fuel use accelerated the changes we see today in agriculture, manufacturing, and power. For example, fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas supply mos t of the energy needed to fuel the cars we driveRead MoreHuman Activity Is Responsible For Our Current Warming Trend1471 Words   |  6 PagesThe biggest problem with climate change today is the debate on whether or not human activity is responsible for our current warming trend. According to Jonathon Schuldt (2014:219), around 99.7% of climatologists agree that man-made climate change is a reality, while only 40% of Americans believe that humans are the main driver. This is because we live in societies in which, thanks largely to the internet, everyone is free to express an opinion. On the issue of climate change, we have tons of sitesRead MoreAlternative Energy Can Effectively Replace Fossil Fuels1227 Words   |  5 Pages Alternative Energy Can Effectively Replace Fossil Fuels In the U.S. alone, carbon dioxide emission levels have risen thirty percent since 2005. If the emissions continue to rise at this pace, the temperature of the Earth may rise by at most, thirteen degrees. Temperatures rising to that height could cause chaos across the world. With more and more people burning fossil fuels every day, this unfortunate future is likely to occur. Fortunately, using pollution free alternative energy could alter

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Sociologic Relationship Between Population, Socioal...

The Sociologic Relationship Between Population, Socioal Structure and the Individual Sociology is the scientific study of human social activity. In the effort to study human social activity sociologists brake it down into objects of analysis. The three objects of analysis are population, social structure, and the individual. Each can be differentiated but each is also integrally related to the other two. As an object of analysis sociologists defines population as an aggregate of people in a geographical area that has size and longevity. The size has a lower limit of two and no upper maximum. Longevity varies and has a lower limit of zero with no known upper limit. Populations are by definition made up of individuals. The study†¦show more content†¦A social system is defined as two or more roles tied together by relationships of interdependence. A role is a patterned repetitive set of behaviors. An example of a role is an occupation. There are various categories of social systems like formal organizations that have goals in mind and attempt to achie ve them (ex: nations) or like informal organizations that are less goal oriented as in a community or a family. Human communities provide social systems that serve the function of providing the daily requirements of life to a population. Social systems have four basic types of roles; production of goods and services, distribution of the goods and services, recruitment and training of new members, and control functions. Population affects the roles of the social system. An example of this would be if the birth rate increased then there would be a greater need to train these new people and the recruitment and training role would be affected. The training of an individual to become one of the group is termed socialization and is carried out by church, family, and school, among other sources. Individuals then are Homo Sapiens that vary in sex, age, and lifecycle. Humans have the ability to lay out avenues to achieve a goal and then through thought processes make a choice on which avenue to follow. Humans are differentiated from animals in that all animals can sign (reacting to something) but only

Essay about The Physics of Judo - 937 Words

The Physics of Judo Judo is a martial art that is centered around physics. Even just the concept of throwing somebody is physics. To practice judo and not have a basic knowledge of physics is insane considering that physics is what makes judo possible. Judo is sport that consist of throws, take downs and over all control. Judo without physics is like have a sandwich with just bread, you don’t get much out of it. To understand how physics comes into play with judo we must start with Newton’s laws of motion. â€Å"Newton’s first law: law of inertia, a net or unbalanced force is needed to change the state of motion of and object. In a judo match, two players try to throw each other by first off-balancing the other player, the fitting†¦show more content†¦If, on the other hand, your opponent has more mass than you, the acceleration that you hit the smaller man with will have less force on the more massive man because acceleration is inversely proportional to his mass. The faster you throw your opponent with, the larger the force that he falls with will hit the mat. If he is larger than you, then he will not need to exert as much acceleration on you in order to achieve the same amount of force a man smaller that yo would. So, what does this tell you? That you’d be better off fighting a smaller man that a bigger one, that is, wntil you become a black belt or like Professor Jigoro Kano.†(1) â€Å"Newton’s third law: Action/Reaction, for every force on an object there will always be an equal and opposite force exerted by that object. This rule works when you you’re in mat hold down. The force that you exert on your opponent’s shoulder in order to hold him down is reciprocated by his shoulder. In other words, his shoulder pushes up at you with a force that is Equal to the force you exert on him.†(1) Without Newton’s law of motion it is safe to say that judo would not exist, because without that them then all the concepts wouldn’t exist, such asShow MoreRelated Physics of Aikido Essay2127 Words   |  9 Pagesaspect. Aikido was first created approximatly 80 years ago by Morihei Ueshiba, and took a great many techniques from Jujitsu, Judo and Kenjutsu and modified them. Ueshiba focused on forming a martial art that placed a great emphasis on moral and spiritual values as well as a system of techniques that would integrate with the philosophy of Aikido. What about the physics? On a practical level, Aikido is not a martial art of strength and power. It does not focus on throwing punches and kicksRead MorePersonality Traits : Traits, And Personal Aspects That Are Unique863 Words   |  4 PagesBy that I mean that I enjoy using my brain in otherwise stressful situations academically and non-academically such as a math equation or physics problem. I enjoy logical thinking. I believe that this shows I am intelligent because I am always working my brain and logically thinking through things. Another example of my intelligence is a mark I got on my physics ISU project which was the rollercoaster and I achieved 100% on that project. I feel that this shows intelligence because I was able to followRead MoreLets Love Sport876 Words   |  4 Pagesvarious kind of microbes. According to scientists’ researches, during playing sport body produces Endorphin which actually it pushes out the toxic materials and keeps the heat of the body in balance. The other advan tage of playing sport on individual physics is having better body shape. Throughout history, people can’t give-up their interest in their body and also now many people love to have an attractive body shape and they do sport to be more fit. Naturally, by doing sport body automatically decreaseRead MoreEducation Can Be A Variety Of Things From Everyday Life1704 Words   |  7 Pagesthey motivate us? Instead of just teaching us and expecting us to learn, build us. Find out what we like, what interest us and why? Bring out the education we already know just from growing up and only then we can build our skills. In the book â€Å"verbal Judo†, George J. Thompson a writer, goes into detail about his life experiences as an English teacher and as a law enforcement officer. He made the book in order to help people and law enforcement to learn the art of persuasion, how to communicate and haveRead MoreHow Education Can Be Taught Through The Education System1803 Words   |  8 Pagesskills. Allowing students to learn based on their own skills and interests can help build them for a better future. George J. Thompson goes into detail about his life experiences as an English teacher and as a law enforcement officer in the book â€Å"Verbal Judo.† He wrote the book to help people in law enforcement better understand the art of persuasion and better communicate with people. In the book, he also talks about how to have people cooperate with officers/officials. He goes into examples of students

Household Solar Lighting

Question: Discuss about the Implementation of the Solar light Panel in village are and the Consequences and the Implementation details involved in the Process. Answer: Introduction ATA is an Australian Non government and not for profit organization. The company had started an East Timor (ET) solar project in the late 2000s. The organization put forward free advice service on sustainable living for households and communities. The main aim of the report is to put limelight on the implementation of the solar light panel in village are and the consequences and the implementation details involved in the process Project Description The main project which is an East Timor project has been in active role since 10years. Almost 35% of the houses dont have the basic electricity which is the main concern form the companies aspect. The company has the experience and the infrastructure by which the company can provide electricity to the target area (Zahnd Kimber , 2016). The main project scheme was the village lighting scheme with the emphasis of providing clean solar lighting to the village or houses which are in remote and isolated area which does not have access to the power grid. Critical Analysis The financial value of the village lighting scheme project in the estimate year 2014 to 2016 was around $ 300,000. The main funding of the project was the Google impact funding from Australia which was very much beneficial for ATA (Thomas et al., 2017). The company relied on membership donation and small donations from other not for profit groups. This was the main reason that the company couldnt take put big or higher value projects (Order Scheffe, 2016). Organization, Roles and Responsibilities. The organization was mainly divided into different parts. The ATA members and the locals worked together in order to achieve the goal. The main emphasis of the project was to keep the project local. For this the local people were given training so that the basic functionality that are involved in the system like installing the system, maintaining the system and the pair of parts that do not work appropriately was done by the locals only (Boroda et al.2016). The main aspect of the project was that the funding which was received from the Google had a criterion that the project would have to be completed with 2 years. Project Management Plan The ATA has been working in the East Timor for almost 10 year or so. Primarily the project was executed previously before the village lighting scheme by volunteers. This mainly initiated a new process in order of processing of a larger project in a more systematic way (Yfanti, Sakkas Nistikaki, 2016). This project was very important because of the huge monitory factor and the huge implementation factor, the company was more vigorous in order of the project management. Since the company was working in the East Timor for a long time the company had a very good knowledge and understanding of the area. The company already had a partnership with a local organization which was very much beneficial. As result of this partnership both of the company was able to work together in order to implement the project. The company had a goal of installing as many of the system they can in order to decrease the overall cost factor. The main drawback of the system was the transport of the raw material to east Timor and the basic testing which was involved in order for the proper working of the system (Amritanand et al., 2016). Project Controls The main control of the project and the focus of the project was the increase of the household solar lighting scheme. It is a point to be noted that in East Timor houses already had pre installed system in their houses in order to get the desired electricity. These were mainly handout which was provided by the government. The people usually tampered with the system and there was not any funding or maintenance available to the system which made them very much unreliable. As a result of the the system did not last for more than a year or two (Cucchiella et al.2017). Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance The main aim of the system was that to provide a system that the people could value. To implementing this maintenance and the funding aspect of implementing the project was very much important. In order to achieve so, the company had a designed a specific solar system with the context. The technical work and the design work were done by a team who were involved with the ATA for a long period of time. The micro controller was designed with the specific need with highly skilled technician. The system was made very much harder so that it is very difficult to temper with the system as a result of which the system can sustain for a much longer period of time (Wagner et al., 2017). The company had also set up a village community management team. This team would be responsible for managing the scheme. Each household would be provided with a system which they will receive after giving a small amount. The system cost was $10 and the maintenance was $2 per month in order to maintain the system . In order to achieve the maintenance part the company had trained the local people so that can fix any part if there situation arise of repair. The training incorporated installation of the system, do maintenance of the system and do basic repair. These all sections where included in the training sessions. Everything in the system was locally managed. Conclusion The report can be concluded on that statement that the ATA was working towards a specific goal of lighting up a village. The company usually had two seasons the dry season and the wet season. It was a point that the project had to be completed with the dry season. Local involvement played a vital role in every sphere of the project and the working of the project. The projects main funding was the Google and focusing on that Google had set a deadline of completing the project within the indicate deadline which was of two years. References Amritanand, S., Divya, P., Gosh, U.G. and Vinod, T., 2016, October. E-Cycle: An offgrid solution for rural electrification. In Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 2016 (pp. 507-513). IEEE. Boroda, K., Andersen, M., Chamilothori, K. and Chinazzo, G., 2016. Project 24-lighting concept (No. EPFL-STUDENT-225469). Cucchiella, F., De Berardinis, P., Koh, L. and Rotilio, M., 2017. Planning restoration of a historical landscape: A case study for integrating a sustainable street lighting system with conservation of historical values. Journal of Cleaner Production. Order, M.A., PI, B. and Scheffe, J., 2016. Integrated Solar Lighting for Pedestrian Crosswalk Visibility. Thomas, A.A., Thelen, J.T., Go, A.S., Surbrook, T., Vanee, M.A. and Althouse, J., 2017. A Dairy Long Day Lighting Success Story: MI Dairy Increases Production and Cuts Costs. In 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting (p. 1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Wagner, P.R., Stewart, D.A., Dorogi, M.J., Burt, R. and Shelton, C.S., Abl Ip Holding Llc, 2017. Lighting control with automated activation process. U.S. Patent 9,693,428. Yfanti, S., Sakkas, N. and Nistikaki, A., 2016. Energy Savings in Municipal Road Lighting: The Case of the Municipality of Hersonissos. Zahnd, A. and Kimber, H.M., 2016. Benefits from a renewable energy village electrification system. Renewable Energy, 34(2), pp.362-368.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Costing Technique Of Brunei LNG Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Costing Technique Of Brunei LNG. Answer: Introduction The paper mainly focuses on the costing technique that is mainly used by the real business for achieving proper performance within the company. According to Neyestani (2017), Costing techniques are generally defined as a method that is used for ascertaining cost for various decision making procedures. The costing techniques are generally applied to make appraisals as well as for ascertaining different types of purchasing performance. It is found that there are numerous techniques of costing which mainly includes marginal costing, direct costing, absorption costing, uniform costing, system costing, historical costing, continuous costing, standard costing as well as post costing method (Abdullah, Jadhav and Borhade, 2014). The organization Brunei LNG which is one the manufacturing industry utilizes Marginal costing technique in order to manage the performance of the organization. In addition to this, it is identified that the paper discusses some of the significant decision making tech niques that is helpful in enhancingperformance management while dealing with number of risks as well as uncertainties. Application The manufacturing industry Brunei LNG utilizes Marginal Costing technique for enhancing as well as managing the operation of the organization. It is identified that marginal costing is a technique in which allocation of production to expenditure is mainly restricted to number of expenses that mainly occurs as a result of production that is materials, direct expenses, labors as well as variable overheads (Biz et al., 2015). In this technique of costing, fixed overheads are generally excluded in situations where the production of the company generally varies as it can give some misleading results. It is identified that this technique is quite useful in various manufacturing industries like Brunei LNG. The marginal cost is also referred as a method of cost accounting as well as decision making that is very much simple to understand. The costing technique mainly helps in reflecting the relationship that generally exists between price, cost as well as volume (Jayeola Onou, 2014). It is identified that by utilizing the Marginal Costing technique, the manufacturing industry Brunei LNG gets number of advantages that mainly includes: Reliable decision making: The marginal costing technique is helpful in measuring reliable decision that is made by the manufacturing organization Brunei LNG. Easy to operate: It is identified that the marginal technique is quite simple to understand as well as can be easily operated. This is considered as one of the biggest advantage of the manufacturing company Brunei LNG (Abdullah, Jadhav Borhade, 2014). The main reason behind the simple operation is that the fixed cost is not included within the cost of production. Relative contribution to profit: The industry makes relative contribution to profit that is generally made by each number of products that is mainly reflected where the sales efforts can be contracted. Take short run tactical decision: It is identified that the manufacturing industry can be able to take short run tactical decisions with the help of information that is related with marginal costing. Evaluation Proper decision making techniques are used in real business for enhancing the performance of the company when themanagement of the company is dealing with number of risks as well as uncertainties (Mardani, Jusoh Zavadskas, 2015). There are number of decision making techniques that can be utilized by the real organizations. The decision making techniques includes: Decision matrix: It is identified that a decision matrix is mainly utilized for evaluating number of options of decisions. Multivoting: This is generally utilized when numbers of people are generally involved in various decision making procedure (Mardani et al., 2015) Pareto analysis: This is the technique that is utilized when large numbers of decisions are generally made within the real business. This generally helps in prioritizing decisions from various economic perspectives. Cost- benefits analysis: This is considered as one of the decision making technique that is used while weighing the financial ramifications of number of possible alternatives (Broderick, Duggan Redfern, 2017). Conjoint analysis: This is one of the decision making techniques that is mainly utilized by various business leaders in order to determine number of consumer preferences for making proper decisions. SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis mainly stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities as well as threats that generally assist in assessing various planning tools. PEST analysis: PEST analysis is defined as an acronym for political, social, economic, social as well as technological factor that helps in improving decision making as well as time by analyzing number of external factors (Rardin Rardin, 2016). It is identified that Pareto analysis can be utilize for enhancing the performancemanagement when dealing with number of risks as well as uncertainties within the organization. It is identified that this technique of decision making is utilized by the organization as with the help of this technique large number of decisions that are required to be made by the organization can be properly prioritized as per their need (Mardani, Jusoh Zavadskas, 2015). The organization need to take the most important decision as per their prioritization so that the performance of the organization cannot get reduced during the rise of risks as well as uncertainties. It is identified that Pareto analysis helps in enhancing the organizational efficiency, assists in improving problem solving skills, assists in as well as improving decision making capability. The risks as well as problems that generally occur within the organization can be easily solved by conducting Pareto analysis as it helps in enabling the organization to organize the various work related issues into number of cohesive facts (Rardin Rardin, 2016). With proper focus on resolving the problems that are associated with the organization must be properly documented with the help of Pareto analysis so that the documentation will be helpful in enabling better preparation as well as improvement in decision making for various future changes. References Abdullah, Y. H., Jadhav, K. D., Borhade, S. (2014). The Effect of Applying Activity Based Costing Technique on Financial Performance of Service Industry: A Case Study of Levare Consultants Pvt. Ltd.Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies,2(4). Biz, A. N., Schluckebier, L. F., Bastos, C. R., Silva, R. M., Braga, J. U., Caetano, R. (2015). Cost-Effectiveness of The Use of 18fdg-Pet/Ct In The Detection of Recurrent Differentiated Thyroid Cancer.Value in Health,18(7), A859. Broderick, J., Duggan, J., Redfern, S. (2017). Using Auditory Display Techniques to Enhance Decision Making And Perceive Changing Environmental Data Within a 3D Virtual Game Environment. Georgia Institute of Technology. Jayeola, O., Onou, D. P. (2014). Implementing target costing in small and medium scale enterprises in Ogun industrial metropolis.International Journal of Humanities and Social Science,4(8). Mardani, A., Jusoh, A., Zavadskas, E. K. (2015). Fuzzy multiple criteria decision-making techniques and applicationsTwo decades review from 1994 to 2014.Expert Systems with Applications,42(8), 4126-4148. Mardani, A., Jusoh, A., MD Nor, K., Khalifah, Z., Zakwan, N., Valipour, A. (2015). Multiple criteria decision-making techniques and their applicationsa review of the literature from 2000 to 2014.Economic Research-Ekonomska IstraÃ… ¾ivanja,28(1), 516-571. Neyestani, B. (2017). Quality Costing Technique: An Appropriate Financial Indicator for Reducing Costs and Improving Quality in the Organizations. Rardin, R. L., Rardin, R. L. (2016).Optimization in operations research(p. 919). Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Western Philosophy free essay sample

Eastern and Western philosophy are similar but different in many ways. Eastern philosophy includes the various philosophies  of ancient China and India, but can also include Islamic, Jewish, and Persian philosophies. Western philosophy refers to the philosophies developed by the ancient Greeks and Indians. There are many differences between Eastern and Western philosophy. One is the east uses concepts by intuition while the west uses concepts by postulations. Another is the west wants logical concrete proof while according to the east reality is known by intuition. The eastern philosophers are primarily practical while the western philosophers are primarily theoretical. The west is concerned basically with the modern world while the east is concerned with the ancient and past world. Lastly eastern philosophy relationship with religion is integration while western philosophy relationship with religion is opposition. There are many similarities between eastern and western philosophy. The first one is both deal with god in relationships. We will write a custom essay sample on Western Philosophy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They also deal with beliefs. Lastly the both talk about religion. A real life situation where eastern philosophy has influenced western philosophy is yoga. Yoga is a systematic approach to spiritual realization. A more accurate understanding that we have today of eastern philosophy is yoga. The eastern philosophy influenced the western philosophy through yoga because in eastern philosophy one of their traditions is to do yoga and it passed on to the western philosophy today because many do yoga to keep calm and find peace, which also why the eastern philosophies did yoga. In this essay I have discussed the differences and similarities between eastern and western philosophy.  I have also discussed a real life situation of eastern philosophy and how it influenced western philosophy. I also did a matrix explain eastern philosophy.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Free Essays on Injustice Toward Women

Injustice Towards Women During the 1900’s In the film Les Miserables, women are treated horribly. The forms of mistreatment are made evident throughout the film and show the harsh realities of life during the 19th century. This was a time in which Les Miserables takes place. During this period, there was discrimination, of women. They were constantly being viewed as shallow and inferior to men. They carried no power within society and were expected to present themselves in a decent manner. Women who did not live up to society’s expectations faced the consequences of being looked down upon and degraded by all who lived amoung them. Fantine, the mother of Cosette in les Miserables, is a perfect example displaying the many acts of injustice, which took place towards women in the 19th century. In Les Miserables, Fantine is displayed as a character that is weakened by the oppression of society. She is a young woman who earns a living working in a factory comprised entirely of women. In those days, men and women were often separated at work in order to preserve their innocence. Innocence was a very valuable obsession and the loss of a woman’s innocence was not tolerated during these times. Unfortunately, Fantine becomes a victim of lost innocence and she bears a child out of wedlock. The head lady at the factory disapproves of Fantine’s sinful ways. Fantine is forced to return to the streets of France. Knowing that no one will hire such a tainted woman, Fantine has no other choice but to sell her self to men in order to feed herself and her child. During the 19th century, women who bore children out of wedlock were shown neither compassion nor respect. It was a very shameful thing to have a child and to not be married. Society was very judgmental about this issue and many women hid themselves from the cruelty of the public. Today, the act of having a child out of wedlock is not aslooked down upon, and it has b... Free Essays on Injustice Toward Women Free Essays on Injustice Toward Women Injustice Towards Women During the 1900’s In the film Les Miserables, women are treated horribly. The forms of mistreatment are made evident throughout the film and show the harsh realities of life during the 19th century. This was a time in which Les Miserables takes place. During this period, there was discrimination, of women. They were constantly being viewed as shallow and inferior to men. They carried no power within society and were expected to present themselves in a decent manner. Women who did not live up to society’s expectations faced the consequences of being looked down upon and degraded by all who lived amoung them. Fantine, the mother of Cosette in les Miserables, is a perfect example displaying the many acts of injustice, which took place towards women in the 19th century. In Les Miserables, Fantine is displayed as a character that is weakened by the oppression of society. She is a young woman who earns a living working in a factory comprised entirely of women. In those days, men and women were often separated at work in order to preserve their innocence. Innocence was a very valuable obsession and the loss of a woman’s innocence was not tolerated during these times. Unfortunately, Fantine becomes a victim of lost innocence and she bears a child out of wedlock. The head lady at the factory disapproves of Fantine’s sinful ways. Fantine is forced to return to the streets of France. Knowing that no one will hire such a tainted woman, Fantine has no other choice but to sell her self to men in order to feed herself and her child. During the 19th century, women who bore children out of wedlock were shown neither compassion nor respect. It was a very shameful thing to have a child and to not be married. Society was very judgmental about this issue and many women hid themselves from the cruelty of the public. Today, the act of having a child out of wedlock is not aslooked down upon, and it has b...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

4G Wireless Networks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

4G Wireless Networks - Essay Example Two major cellular service providers of USA, AT&T and Verizon will be addressed specifically for case study purpose. Comparison and Contrast between 3G and 4G Objective of this section is to compare and contrast 3G and 4G communication with respect to four specific areas, e.g., service and application, network architecture, data throughput and user perceptions. 3G providers are currently offering services like Code Division Multiple Access, CDMA, Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems (UMTS), and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). On the contrary, 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) developed the 3GPP Long-Term Evolution (LTE) standard for 4G services which is commonly known as 4G LTE(Kuran & Tugcu, 2007). From application perspective, 3G provided the users the luxury of multimedia streaming. 4G added more amenities on top of that, including high definition (HD) services for audio-video conference, and online television via smart phone. Such differences in ser vice and applicability are primarily emanated from the network architecture of these two technologies, also from associated upload and download speed. 3G network is based on wide area cell; on the other hand, 4G integrated Local Area Network (LAN) with such wide area architecture. Consequently, data throughput rate for these two technologies also varies significantly. While 3G is offering up to 3.1 mbps with a bandwidth of 5 – 20MHz; data throughput rate for 4G networks is 3 to 5 mbps but potentially estimated at a range of 100 to 300 mbps with a bandwidth of 100MHz (Kuran & Tugcu, 2007) . Whatever the services and other application are, the most important aspect of any wireless service provider is the user feedback. As of yet, 3G wireless network has a broader coverage than 4G network. Therefore, 3G network enjoys the benefit of being readily available to the user. People are happy with 3G performance because it is the upgrade of 2G technology. The users accustomed to the slower connectivity of 2G, are certainly happy with this upgraded version. In this era of technological advancement, until user gets the flavor of new upgrade, he/she always compare the available technology with previous alternative that is why new technology always prevails. Yet now, in case of audio listening or video streaming, 3G did not receive too many complains and these users will not feel the differences between 3G and 4G that much. However, with time and increasing 4G coverage, things may change radically. Differences between Different 4G Communication Varieties As 3G and 4G are different in many ways, there are also distinguishable differences among different types of 4G network services e.g., 4G LTE, 4G WiMax, and 4G WiBro. 4G LTE is the oldest version of 4G wireless which offers 100 Mbps for downloads and 50 Mbps for uploads in ideal scenario(Evans & Baughan, 2000). However, in USA maximum speed provided by 4G LTE is 18.6 Mbps for download and 9.0 Mbps for upload by A T&T. Fixed WiMax, stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, can provide speeds of up to 75 Mbps and Mobile WiMax offering speeds of up to 30 Mbps (Fu et al., 2010). Although, service provider sprint in USA showed download speeds of 3-6 Mbps and upload speeds of 1 Mbps (Sprint, 2013). Wireless Broadband, Wibro, provided by

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Cybersecurity Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cybersecurity - Coursework Example Considering the above two aspects cyber system is believed to be highly vulnerable for attack. Indeed, it is also being believed that cyber security is difficult to accomplish as cyber-attacks regularly overthrow the cyber defense system. The study aims to discuss the intervention of government for improving the cyber security. The objective of the study is to recognize the methods through which government intervene to enhance cyber security. The study also describes certain arguments on the aspect of government intervention (Rosenzweig, 2011). How Can Government Justify Telling Private Industry How To Set Up Or Improve Their Cyber Security? Nowadays, cyber security has become a national authoritative and governmental priority. Improved cyber security assists in protecting people and organizations, certifying the accessibility of critical structures on which the national economy as well as security depends. Therefore, government of any country can help private organizations and industry to set up and improve the aspect of cyber security. Cyber security solutions which assist organizations and industry on governmental and technological instructions can enhance the defensive power of information system. Self-defense provisions in laws have made the network and communication organizations to share information with the government regarding any kind of incident about cyber-attacks (Nojeim, 2010). Socio-Political Reasons In present days, almost every surface of life is related with internet. People and organizations both are at risk to the inexhaustible threats which impact on the networking activities. Hackers can travel thro ugh internet and can be benefitted from lack of security between autonomous network owners. This low coordination among public and private organizations makes internet defenseless, where hackers can easily enter on their network and access private information. Accordingly, it can hamper the confidence of public on organizations. Laws and regulations can be levied by government for improving the security. However, such government intervention is complicated as in reality, internet is a global network and government, businesses and people can be impacted by such governmental interventions in terms of negative market reactions, liability disclosures and undesirable discharge of private information. In every circumstance, the role of government must be prudently demarcated by law, regulation and practice so that public interest is fulfilled without the obligation of heavy burdens (Intelligence and National Security Alliance, 2009). Motivation Government can play an indirect role in fost ering cyber security by motivating organizations through several incentives. Government can provide tax recognitions, research and development supports, procurement control and implementation of prevailing regulations as a part of security motivations for organizations. As it is difficult for government to intervene in the work process of private organizat

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Male Daughters Femals Husbands Essay Example for Free

Male Daughters Femals Husbands Essay I chose the book Male daughters, female husbands by Ifi Amadiume. The reason I chose this book is because I have always been curious about the role of women in non western countries and why they were viewed as being subservient to men by their own as well as the western world. Ifi Amadiume, a Nigerian sociologist with a London University doctorate, conducted research in her own family area to study gender and sex in an African Society. Challenging the received orthodoxies of social anthropology, Ifi Amadiume argues that in precolonial society, sex and gender did not necessarily coincide. In the book she examines the structures that enable women to achieve power and shows that roles are neither rigidly masculine nor feminine. This study that was conducted relates to social anthropology. The study was conducted in Nnobi, a town in the only Igbo area which has not been studied in detail by any scientist or anthropologist. Fieldwork was conducted in Nnobi between 1980 and 1982 on the Igbo people. As a result of the 1976 local government reform which divided Nigeria into 19 states and 299 local governments, Nnobi became one of the towns in the Idemili local government. Most of the Igbo people were also separated between states. The 1963 population census put the total number of Igbo people at 7,209,716. The study is divided into three periods: pre-colonial, when the traditional systems operated: colonial, when the British ruled Nigeria: and post-colonial, when Nigeria became an independent nation. There were further divisions of these periods such as Gender and the economy, the ideology of gender, and the general beliefs about men and women in which we will look into further in the following paragraphs. First we will take a look at gender and the economy. This was part of the pre-colonial period. It is within this period that ideologies behind the Igbo and Nnobi , their sexual division of labor, and those governing the relations of production originated. As a result of ecological factors, agricultural production was not profit in Nnobi, hence the development of a sexual division of labor and gender ideology which gave women a central place in the subsistence economy, while men sought authority through ritual specialization and ritual control. The gender ideology governing economic production was that of female industriousness. The name of the town itself Nnobi reflects matrifocality in Nnobi culture or matricentric principle in household organization; mothers and children formed distinct, economically self-sufficient sub-compound units classified as female in relation to the male front section of the compound. There was a dual-sex organization principle behind the structure of the economy, which was supported by various gender ideologies. These principles and ideologies governed the economic activities of men and women. They also governed access to wealth, wives, achievement-based status and many other things within their community. Material wealth was converted into prestige and power through title-taking, the acquisition of more wives and more labor power, more material wealth. Wealth for men included possession of things like houses, many wives and daughters, livestock, and land. Wealth for women included things like livestock, fowls, dogs’, farm and garden crops, daughters and many wealthy and influential sons. Males and females symbols of wealth were very similar even though in principle they did not own the same things. One very important economic resource which women did not own was land. A flexible gender system mediated the dual-sex organizational principle. Nnobi society was based on strict sexual dualism, whereby women’s economic and political organizations were separate from those of men. Through manipulation of gender concepts and flexible gender construction in language, the dual-sex barrier is broken down or mediated. Ideology of gender guided the Igbo people, however it was possible for men and women to share attributes. The system of few linguistic distinctions between male and female gender also makes it possible for men and women to play some social roles in which, we ( the western world) carry rigid sex and gender association. The Igbo language in comparison with the English language, has not built up rigid associations between certain adjectives or attributes and gender subjects, nor certain objects and gender possessive pronouns. There is no usage of the word ‘man’ to represent both sexes, neither is there the option of saying ‘he or she’, ’him or her’ , or ‘his or her’. This of linguistic system of few gender distinctions makes it possible to conceptualize certain social roles as separate from sex and gender, hence the possibility for either sex to fill the role. This does not mean that there is no competition between the sexes, and situations in which a particular sex monopolize roles and positions. One example of a situation in which women played roles ideally occupied by men were ‘male daughters’ and ‘female husbands’; in either role, women acted as family head. The Igbo word for family head is genderless. In Nnobi society and culture, there was one head or master of a family at a time, and ‘male daughters’ and ‘female husbands’ were called by the same term, which translated into English would be ‘master’. The reverse applied to those in a wife relationship to others. The Igbo word for wife is a genderless expression meaning a person who belongs to the home of the master of the home. Although there were genderless words within this culture there were still general beliefs about men and women that set them apart. Men and women were talked of or judged according to the roles expected of them as full social adults. What was stressed about men was their duty to provide for and protect their families. This culture did not stereotype bad men. Unfortunately this was not the case with women. Similar to the society we live in today everyone in this culture knew the attributes of a bad woman. Bad women were those who failed in their wifely and maternal duties and sentiments. This type of woman usually did not take care of her husband, was bad tempered, and ate food without giving any to her husband. A bad woman also did not take very good care of the children. I found this to be very similar how we view ‘bad ‘women as well in our society. In contrast to a bad woman was the good woman. The good women were usually a good daughter, wife, and mother. She looked after her husband, never refused him food, and made sure things around the household were taken care of. If her husband was unable to provide for the family financially she was able to help him through her own efforts. She always protected her children from any form of danger, and if necessary she would even protect them from their father. The industriousness, which is what was meant by good character, was inculcated in a woman in her father’s house, and would pay dividends in her husband’s house. In conclusion this book really brought about some insight how the fact that biological sex did not always correspond to ideological gender. This meant that women could play roles usually monopolized by men, or be classified as ‘males’ in terms of power and authority over others. In contrast the Western culture and the Christian religion carried rigid gender ideologies. This gender system meant that roles are strictly masculine or feminine; breaking gender rules carries a sigma. In new gender realities, such women are still defined as females, however they are no longer involved in domestic female roles.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Growing Need For The Aware :: essays research papers fc

We as Americans need to become more sensitive to our use of language because with the increasing number of ethnic groups in the country one has to be cautious as to how they should define a certain group. Political correctness is a type of medium that helps us come to respect and communicate with the diverse group of races and cultures. Before we go on any further we must first define the meaning of political correctness. According to Webster's Dictionary, political correctness is the ideology that shows sensitivity, tolerance, and respect for another's race, gender, sexual preference, nationality, religion, age, physical handicap, or other especially if it differs from one's own. In other words, political correctness (better known as PC) is behavior and speech manifested in people of all race and culture that reflects an open-minded attitude towards other people present within the society today. For example, being 'PC'; refers to using phrases as 'physically challenged'; instead of 'disabled'; and 'Asian'; rather than 'Oriental.'; This term originated, interestingly enough, after the Civil Rights Movement and during the birth of modern feminism when many minority groups were fighting for their rights as Americans. The meaning of the words was not as significant back then as they are now. Political correctness has a completely different meaning today and it holds a lot of truths to it because it gives us that leverage to appropriately address someone without offending him or her. Many people these days are using the politically correct terms, especially business people, teachers, politicians, journalists, etc. It is sad to say that there are many more people whom simply do not realize what they say can be insulting. There are many examples in today's society where people haven't been considerate of other people's feelings and have been extremely un-PC. Most recently the so-called 'shock jock';, Doug Tracht who works in Washington DC, played music by Lauryn Hill on his radio show (MSNBC local news online). Hill is the black hip-hop artist nominated for 10 Grammy awards. On air, he remarked 'No wonder people drag them behind trucks.'; The statement referred to the brutal death of a black man in Texas who was dragged behind a truck. This is not the first time Tracht has gotten in trouble for a racial remark. In 1986 at another local radio station, Tracht made a derogatory remark about Martin Luther King day. That radio station was picketed and received bomb threats from angry people before Tracht made an on-air apology.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Gender: an Ambiguous Factor

Referencing the role that gender played in early twentieth century rural life made for an interesting character dynamic in this play. Susan Glaspell’s Trifles presents a murder mystery with a slightly twisted plot. The play itself, at first glance, seems simple enough. A man is murdered, his wife thought to be the murderer. An investigation is forged in their quaint farmhouse. However, the men are unable to find anything that leads to a motive. But then the twist! The women are able to solve the murder and choose not to share the findings with their husbands.What exactly hinders the investigation set forth by the men? A case can be made in gender differences. The mental approach of each sex determines everything. The dynamic between the women, their husbands, and the county attorney creates a mental divide that cannot be bridged. Inevitably, what appears to be a simple plot, seemingly filled with mere trifles, the end of the play quickly develops into something that is almost surreal. Within a casual conversation the women, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, manage to recreate Minnie Wright’s state of mind – seemingly putting themselves through her last day in the farmhouse.In an article analyzing the play, Suzy Clarkson Holstein remarks that, â€Å"the play represents a profound conflict between two models of perception and behavior† (Holstein 282). On the whole, the men and women involved observed the identical information – with the exception of the canary. However, minus the canary, the women were already reconstructing Minnie’s life with John Wright. In their reconstruction they are able to uncover and comprehend evidence that would seem like useless information to the formal investigation the men were conducting. The county attorney searching the Wrights’ home cannot detect the significance in a loaf of bread left out of the breadbox, a kitchen table half wiped, a quilt in progress, and a missing pet canary† (Marsh 201-02). These simple details prove to be the key to ending the mystery. Holstein’s analysis goes on to mention the â€Å"ultimate moral choice† as presented to the women. Here she references, â€Å"their way of knowing leads them not simply to knowledge; it also leads to the decision about how to act on that knowledge† (Holstein 282). On the notion of morality alone, the reader must analyze several debates.What exactly is at stake here for these women? And, if they withhold information from the investigation, are they harming themselves? The men have been neglecting the observations of the women, even teasing them for their observations. Mr. Hale comments, â€Å" Well, women are used to worrying over trifles† (Glaspell 938) and later, overhearing a conversation between the women, Sheriff Peters comments, â€Å"They wonder if she was going to quilt it or just knot it† (Glaspell 941). Immediately after his remark the stage directions state, à ¢â‚¬Å"The men laugh, the women look abashed† (Glaspell 941).There isn’t even the slightest hint of spousal respect here! The men dismiss the thoughts of the women because they are merely women. They do not believe that they could be of any aid to the investigation at hand. Have the women compromised their morality when evading the truth with their husbands? The men’s perspective is completely regimented. Their tunnel vision approach seems to be a hindrance in the investigation. They are unable to come to any conclusions about Mrs. Wright’s motive to kill her husband. In the final moments of dialogue, Mr.Henderson can be heard saying, â€Å"No, Peters, it’s all perfectly clear except a reason for doing it†¦ If there was some definite thing†¦ a thing that would connect up with this strange way of doing it – â€Å" (Glaspell 945). Holstein’s article in â€Å"The Midwest Quarterly† makes an interesting statement comparin g biological and cultural issues in regards to the way both parties observe the facts. â€Å"Certainly, during the early part of the twentieth century, the duties and structures of women’s lives would have predisposed them to approach a problem from a different angle than that of the men† (Holstein 288).This is evident in her mention of sex vs. gender and its implications. Sex, referring strictly to the biological, and gender, referring strictly to the cultural implications of gender roles in society. â€Å"The men, Mann argues†¦ strove to be first with a quick, firm answer. Women on the other hand valued cooperation and worked to interconnect, taking time to make up their minds† (qtd. in Holstein 289). The juxtaposition of these two terms most always sparks an interesting debate. Some see them as one in the same, while others see them as two completely separate entities.The debate between sex and gender comes up often in the debate on transgender issues. à ¢â‚¬Å"Just as Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters understand well the hardships of the rural lifestyle they share with the accused Mrs. Wright, so Elle finds that the accused Mrs. Windham is a ‘peer’† (Marsh 201). This statement draws parallels between Trifles and the 2001 film, Legally Blonde. In a 2005 article for â€Å"Literature Film Quarterly,† Kelly A. Marsh paired the message of sisterhood in the pages of Trifles with similar messages in a 21st century blockbuster hit.The similarities in these two works are uncanny and whether the parallels are intentional is unclear. Marsh explains, â€Å" the key evidence in both cases is precisely the evidence that the men overlook† (Marsh 201). Parallels at many levels can be drawn from Glaspell’s text. The women’s ability to uncover key points of evidence and solve this murder mystery speaks volumes to their characters, and, their husbands’ inability to see things for what they really are. â₠¬Å"The women in this play develop a highly differentiated and reflective moral schema† (Holstein 288).They make conscious decisions to hide the evidence that solves the murder from the men. In the closing stage directions, Glaspell writes, â€Å"Suddenly Mrs. Peters throws back quilt pieces and tries to put the box in the bag she is wearing. It is too big. Sound of a doorknob turning in the other room. Mrs. Hale snatches the box and puts it in the pocket of her big coat† (Glaspell 945). In this moment the women have overcome their husbands and shown that their mere trifles can indeed come in handy.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Effects Of Sleep On Teen Health - 1981 Words

According to The Journal of Youth and Adolescence, with every hour of sleep lost by a teenage student, there is a 38 percent increased risk of that student being sad and hopeless and a 58 percent increase in suicide attempts (Gregoire par. 8). This horrific fact is proof that not only does sleep have a significant impact on teen health, but it can lead to frightening results such as suicide and depression. Many argue that the teenage years is the most significant time in development, so it seems counterproductive that some schools’ schedules deprive students of much needed sleep. By implementing a later start time than currently exists, schools would enhance students’ chances for success. A later start time for high school classes would result in more sleep time, which is beneficial to students because adequate sleep elevates mood, enhances health, and improves academic performance. High school students often stay up late at night sand as a result, have difficulties get ting up in the morning to go to school. A later school time for students would mean an extended amount of time for these students to catch up on sleep. Sleep studies have shown that with increased hours of sleep, a teenagers mood can become elevated. According to a Minnesota study of Minneapolis high schools, shifting start times from 7:15 to 8:40 a.m. resulted in students being more active in classes and not falling asleep at their desks. Students were clearly more alert at the start of the school day, andShow MoreRelatedAdolescent Sleep Deprivation: Causes, Effects, and Prevention1438 Words   |  6 PagesAdolescent Sleep Deprivation: Causes, Effects, and Prevention Adolescent sleep deprivation is a common problem in today’s society, and it is also a very dangerous one. 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